Communication is extremely vital today. To be effective you need to follow a set of rules and not get lost in phone calls, texting, video messaging etc. No matter who you are, which division you work in, or what your job is, clear communication will be a critical factor in your ultimate success. It might involve telling your needs to a supervisor, or collaborating with others. Communication may be mainly face-to-face in the plant, and by email to people outside the company. However, you want to convey concisely, accurately, and appropriately, what you are requesting or stating.
Being organized means you’ll be more likely to get to work on time, prioritize your tasks effectively for the day, and seek solutions to problems before they even become problems.
Without organization, even the most capable worker often falls behind, or make critical mistakes. Clear communication allows for more creative solutions to problems, faster assessment of bad situations, and greater pattern recognition in large systems. Applications of clear communication are practically infinite. Critical thinkers understand clear communication and can acknowledge, analyze, and solve problems without much outside influence. They are always looking for improvements to add to the system.
While some positions rely on it more than others, you’ll always have some level of teamwork to manage in the workplace. When you first start off, that might mean collaborating with your supervisors and a few of your fellow workers. In your future, it could mean delegating work to your subordinates. Knowing how to work with others effectively and how to communicate and play to individuals’ strengths is a key skill for success in this area. The better you know how to work in groups, the better you’ll be able to collectively perform. Without teamwork skills, you’ll end up slowing the operation down.
Research and analysis skills come into play for nearly every conceivable position. Plant workers need to know what machine or process to use. They need to know how many people are needed and how long it will take. Marketers need to research and analyze their campaigns for possible effectiveness. Salespeople need to research and analyze sales leads. Engineers need to research and analyze potential technologies or solutions. Being able to quickly find information, review it, and communicate key patterns is essential for practically any job function.
Communication confidence might seem like a trait, but it can be developed like any skill. You can increase your communication in some areas through sheer practice; the more often you do something, the more confident you’ll be in doing it. In other areas, communication confidence can be a product of your practiced habits. Clear communication leads to greater respect, greater precision, and greater efficiency all around.